Hungerhill School

Flood Alleviation Works & New Car Park

The school at Hungerhill was prone to flooding with works due to flood damage required 1-2 times per year at a significant cost and inconvenience to the school. Any works to address this would cause significant disruption to the school and needed to be designed in a way to meet the school’s budget.

Hawker Construction (HCL) worked closely with the designers to come up with a scheme that involved inserting a new land drain to capture water that flowed off the raised playing fields, sculpting the land to form a bund and adjust levels to divert storm water away from the buildings and inserting new acco drains to the perimeter of the buildings with large soakaways to provide the required attenuation.  On completion of the drainage the existing car park was to be relayed and an additional area of car park formed.

The works had to be carried out within the summer holidays and to a tight budget.  HCL were able to work weekends and longer shifts on site to ensure all works were completed ready for the school to start again.  Soon after completion there was a significant storm that would have previously caused significant damage, but the works carried out their task and there was no water ingress at all.


We managed to value engineer the project to save the client 30% of the tender price and still achieve a solution that has stopped the school flooding twice a year, saving tens of thousands of pounds every year since

Commercial Director

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